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Interesting local stories
Interesting local stories
How the Kezhmar soul sings
The Yenisey as the base of the indigenous people’s life
All the most interesting things about the Yenisei province
Yagel-superfood from the tundra
Krasnoyarsk flies in space
How babies live in the raw-hide tents in the Far North
Krasnoyarsk Territory is a reliable rear of the country
The Yenisey Province is spoken about…
Take care of the lice for the wedding, tungus!
Mysteries of Scythian jewelers
The science of meteorics appeared due to the taiga findings
At the end of the 19th century, it was dangerous for women to be fascinated with stolbism
Funny toponyms of the Krasnoyarsk region
25 words from the vocabulary of Angarsk natives
Chronicle of cities and towns of the region
Funeral traditions of Nganasans
Rock Perja (feathers) and its tracks
Briefly about the Nganasans
The traces of Sihirtia on Taimyr
Strange sounds in tundra