- ☰ Where to stay
- Sanatoriums of Krasnoyarsk region
- Holiday Center "Shushensky"
Holiday Center "Shushensky"
One of the best health resorts in Krasnoyarsk, the ShushenskyHoliday Center, was built in a wonderful place on the banks of the Oia River, in the village of Kazantsevo, in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- respiratorydiseases;
- gynecologicaldiseases;
- cardiovasculardiseases.
- Shirinsky mineral water;
- healing mud from the lakes Cheder, Uchum and Plakhino;
- craniosacral manual therapy;
- kinesiology;
- psychotherapy;
- aromatherapy;
- color therapy;
- diet, health and gymnastics according to P. Bragg, Kudzonishi;
- hirudotherapy;
- and many, many others.
Details are available on the site шушенский.рус and by phone: +7 (39139) 3-34-68 and +7 983 268 8763,