Blacksmithing master

Alexander Ilyich Arkhipov is a true master of his craft, a man of iron hardening and a master of the noblest blacksmith craft. Many people from Krasnoyarsk know Alexander Ilyich, he can be seen at all the creative fairs of the city, he is the author of paintings of metal, forged flowers, bells, souvenirs made of copper and brass and, of course, heroic attributes - swords, helmets and real chain mail.

 A member of the Russian Blacksmiths Union and an excellent teacher, Alexander Ilyich teaches blacksmithing and plumbing for adults and children. He conducts labor lessons for schoolchildren and students of vocational schools, leads a hobby group of technical and art crafts. Thanks to him, hundreds of boys gain a real male profession.

 The motto of our hero is “Reviving handicraft!”

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