- ☰ What to see
- Attractions
- Places of power
- Taseevsky idol
Taseevsky idol
In Motyginsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is a silent witness of bygone times - the Taseevsky idol - the northernmost stone religious complex that has no analogues in Russia. Similar figures were found only in Mongolia on the border with China. It belongs to the era of the early Iron Age, the Scythian era, it goes back to the 4th century BC - the 1st century AD. When people talk about this place, they usually mention Idol, a stone with the face of a male old man carved on it, but in fact there is not one, but 4 idols. Also, on the territory of the complex and along the Taseeva River, archaeologists found more than a thousand antiquities: weapons, arrowheads, spears, jewelry of Siberian shamans and objects of Scythian culture - art casting, bronze. This indicates that in the past the place was a cult and very visited. Due to the magnetic anomaly psented here, lightning strikes often in tall pines. Scientists explain - no mystery, just a high iron content in the soil. According to the stories of local residents, UFOs often circulate above the statue. How to get there: better on a personal car, boat or motorboat and with a personal guide – there is deep Siberian taiga around. Travel in the summer, because a visit to the ancient statue can be combined with swimming and fishing. You need to get from Krasnoyarsk to the village of Pervomaisk. Then it remains to walk about 10 kilometers to the north-west along the left bank of the Taseevskaya river, or, as the locals call it, Tasey. Approximately where the river flows into the Angara, there is a hill. At its peak is the ritual complex. Coordinates: 58 ° 1'3``N, 94 ° 5'47''E. Be careful, bears live in these places!