The City of Sun

The City of the Sun - this settlement you will not find on any map of the world. In fact, the correct name for this place is “the Abode of Dawn”. The phrase City of the Sun was invented by the journalists. Until recently, the "Abode" was not officially registered anywhere as a settlement, but now it has become considered a remote microdistrict of the village of Zharovsk in the Kuraginsky district, in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The city of the Sun was conceived as a unique ecological settlement in which people live in harmony with nature and develop spiritually, based on the teachings of Vissarion, the spiritual leader of the community. The city consists of upper and lower parts. Upper - Heavenly monastery on Mount Sukhoi, here is the temple of Truth, a monastery for young men and the Altar, where several families of ministers live. In the lower part of the city - the Abode of the Dawn, the City of the Sun, New Jerusalem, about 65 families and invited craftsmen live and farm - a total of 350 people. Families of the City of the Sun must feed themselves, and the garden is a great value. Vissarionists are vegetarians, they must grow peas, beans, soybeans, lentils to compensate for protein. Pine nut, fern, wild garlic are collected in the taiga. People try to get along with their products. Only cereals, salt, sugar are bought in stores. To earn extra money, men travel outside the monastery for several months. Vissarionovsk masters are very appciated throughout Russia.

Source of photo and text: and on

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