20 tips on how not to freeze during frosts
20 tips on how not to freeze during frosts
◆ Follow the rule of three layers:
1 layer – water-protecting – thermal underwear
2 layer – insulation
3 layer – protection from wind and pcipitation
◆ Remember, the clothes and footwear should be wide, tight clothes pvents blood circulation. For inter it’s better to choose footwear which is one size bigger than yours, it will allow you to put on a pair of wool socks, it should also have high relief sole – the farther from the ground, the warmer it is.
◆ Wear a scarf!
◆ Put on mittens instead of gloves. If you plan to have a long walk or play snowballs, choose the mittens made of dense water-resistant synthetic material
◆ Move more
◆ Wear a hat, protecting your ears and head
◆ Before going to the frost eat well
◆ Add high-calorie food into your ration: meat, fish, porridges, dried fruits, nuts
◆ Add heating spices to your meals and drinks: cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf, clove, black and red pepper, ginger, saffron, nutmeg, turmeric and cumin
◆ Remember that alcohol releases warmth
◆ Don’t use cream before going to the street. Creams lock moisture inside the skin, and with high humidity in the street the opportunity of frostbite only increases
◆ Don’t go to the street with your head wet
◆ Breathe slowly, through your nose. When air passes through the nose, it gets warmer. And don’t close your nose with a scarf – the condensate gathers in the material, that causes even more cooling of the skin, besides, this is a perfect environment for germs reproduction
◆ Try to be nervous less – under stress blood moves to the brain, while it must warm the body
◆ Take a thermos with hot tea or alcohol-free mulled wine for a walk. Coffee, according to Ayurveda, cools the body, and to neutralize this effect, add some cinnamon to your coffee
◆ Always take an extra pair of socks with you
◆ If your boots get wet, put plastic bags on your socks and then put your boots. And if your socks are wet as well, take them off and use just plastic bags. You can also put some paper inside your boots. It will absorb water
◆ Massage the cold parts of your skin, warm them with your breath, but remember that it’s forbidden to rub someone’s skin with frostbite
◆ Don’t put metal bijouterie and glasses with metal frames
◆ Hug each other more, heat exchange happens so :)
Photo: Maxim Shapovalov, Vyacheslav Shut