Lake Ingol
Ingol Lake is located in the forested area of the foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau in the Sharypovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. On all sides the lake is surrounded by low ridges, mountain ranges, which makes it very similar to a large bowl filled with water. Rocky, hilly and gently sloping banks are overgrown with mixed forest. It is not a surprise that the lake is called the “Siberian Ritsa”. Lake water is fresh, very transparent and clean, the bottom is visible at a depth of 10 m. Scientists believe that the water of Lake Baikal "in its transparency can compete with the Ingol." The legend goes that the two lakes communicate by underground :)
The lake received its name from two foreign words: “yem” and “kul”. The first of them means “health”, and the second - “lake”. From the joint pronunciation of the words “em-kul”, especially under the influence of the surrounding Russian inhabitants, the word “ingol” soon arose. Thus, the name of the lake clearly indicates that it has long been reputed to be delivering health, which means healing.
The water of Lake Ingol contains various impurities; silver is psent in its composition. The lake has healing light gray silt lake mud. Scientists have long struggled to solve the mystery of how the water and mud of a lake cure diseases. As experts later found out, iron, which is part of water and sludge, corresponds to iron found in breast milk.
A dispensary and recreation centers are located on the shore of the lake. In summer, tourists camp there. It is a great place for relaxation and wellness.
Photo: Sergey Filinin and Natalya Yurova