- ☰ What to see
- Attractions
- Nature
- Malachite bath
Malachite bath
The cult place of Ergaki Natural Park is a Malachite bath. This small and seemingly inconspicuous lake hid behind fir and tall grass, but there are always many tourists here. Some specially go here to the radial through the pass just to see the malachite bath. Although the water is icy, everyone wants to swim. And all because of the emerald color of water formed by a special mineral composition.
It is impossible to put up a tent next to the Malachite bath: there is no space. The nearest convenient parking is located on the top of the slope near the lake of Artists. From it flows the river Leviy Taigish and runs down the hill, rolling over stones, jumping waterfalls from large boulders and steep walls, forming small baths in the recesses. One of these baths is Malachite.
Text and photos are made by the photographer and traveler Elena Stogova and Numach.