Gastronomic map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Гастрономическая карта Красноярского края

This is a gastronomic map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory created by the Siberian Hospitality Association based on the results of many years of experience in the market. It marked the places where people produce the highest quality and delicious products that have become the hallmarks of our region. We will introduce you to the 10 best of the best.

 The Taimyr fish factory in Norilsk has been supplying northern fish of valuable commercial species to the table of the region’s residents since 2016: omul, chir, whitefish, muksun, nelma, smelt, pike.

 The Norilsk meat processing plant is famous throughout the region for its venison products: sausages and yukola (dried-cured deer meat) - a traditional dish of hunters from the far North.

 "Honey Company” in Krasnoyarsk provides the region with honey with bird cherry and cones, a very healthy tar (resin) and an original Russian drink - sbiten based on taiga herbs and honey. Website: 

◆ Under the brand name “Taiga Pira”, the Kraypotrebsoyuz delivers fresh Siberian wild plants: fern, mushrooms and berries to the region's residents.

◆  Confectionery and pasta factory "Kraskon" produces sweets that have long become a well-known brand of the region.

"ConTech" company specializes in gingerbread cookies and has developed a special recipe for this favorite treat for tea.

◆ Krasnoyarsk company "DiHleb bakes" unique iodine bread based on a mixture of ordinary flour and cedar oil cake.

◆ In the “Baraulinsky pekarni”, companies from Borodino ppare and deliver home-made pies and pies according to grandmother’s recipes with various fillings, for example, cranberries, blueberries or raspberries with cottage cheese.

◆  Unique bread from whole grains and without flour with cranberries is baked at the Bread Factory.

◆  And in Achinsk "Stefaniishen" confectionery company produces amazing honey cake with Siberian berries, pine nuts and blueberry confiture.


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Preview photo by Giles Newman

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