
Dudinka is located beyond the Arctic Circle, 1,500 kilometers from Krasnoyarsk, where the river of the same name flows into the Yenisei. Dudinka was founded as the sea gate of the Norilsk industrial region due to its favorable geographical position and good water transport opportunities. The city has an excellent position on a high steep bank, which offers a beautiful view of the big river.

By the way, a few hundred years ago there was the Dudino winter hut on the Yenisei. And now the city has turned into the capital of Taimyr, a large port with great technical and intellectual potential. Repsentatives of various nationalities live and work in Dudinka, who love their city and do their best to make it live and prosper.

What to see:

► The Taimyr Museum of Local Lore is a cultural institution with over 80 thousand unique exhibits in its collections.

► The Taimyr ice arena is the only ice stadium in the world beyond the Arctic Circle.

► Dudinsky Sea Port - the northernmost international sea port in Russia and the largest in Siberia


Photo by izi.travel, Stepanov Slava

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