- ☰ To professionals
- The First Student Travel Congress will be held on October 22
The First Student Travel Congress will be held on October 22
On October 22, 2020, the First Student Travel Congress ‘Developing Tourism - Developing Russia!’ will be held online.
The Congress will become a unique online platform for professional dialogue between students and leading experts in the field of tourism.
Within the framework of the Congress, new challenges in the development of tourism will be discussed: the strategy for the development of tourism in Russia until 2035; tourism is a trajectory of professional development; a tour operator of the future - designing a tourist product; digitalization of tourism and trends in the digital field; ecological tourism and a new generation of tourists; transformation of the hotel services market and much more.
It is expected that more than 3000 students from all regions of Russia, studying in the areas of tourism and ecology in universities and secondary specialized schools, will take part in the Congress.
A competition for student propositions to the National Tourism Development Project will start during the Congress.
The speakers of the congress will be the leaders of the tourism industry, repsentatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, The Federal Agency for Tourism, The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Russian Geographical Society, professional associations, leading higher and secondary specialized schools of Russia, as well as students, undergraduates and graduate students.
The Congress program can be found at turcongress.online
Organizers of the Congress:
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Tourism, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia and National Union of the Hospitality Industry
Published: 16.10.2020