The All-Russian online forum ‘Russia: Tourism-2020’ will be held on July 17

In order to support small and medium-sized businesses operating in the tourism industry, as well as to draw attention to domestic resorts, Synergy Corporation, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Tourism, is holding an All-Russian online travel forum on July 17, 2020 ‘Russia: Tourism 2020’.
The broadcast of the forum will be available on the digital platform Synergy.Online, p-registration or authorization is required to participate. Participation is free.

The participants will discuss the tools for creating and developing regional tourism products, talk about the features of promoting local programs, resorts, hotels, sanatoriums and the tourist potential of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as a whole. Also, it will be psented working practices that ensure a consistently high load of accommodation facilities throughout the year, as well as real cases and tools for the development of domestic tourism.

To form the regional part of the forum program and draw attention to regional tourism products throughout Russia, the organizers ask the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by July 8, 2020 to send bright regional projects to the email address in order to psent the tourist potential. The authors of the best practices will be invited to participate in the forum as speakers (regional tour operators, managers of ski resorts and health resort complexes, hoteliers, managers of regional tourism projects).

Photo by Peter Urozaev

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