Where to fry shashlik in Krasnoyarsk

Fresh air, alluring aroma of hot shashlik and a beautiful view - the perfect combination, isn’t it? There is such a combination in Krasnoyarsk! Please record the contacts:

"Yenisei Village" near the Academgorodok. Pluses: there are horseback riding, pine forest, and a picturesque view of the Yenisei, and even spa treatment, if anyone needs it. ☎ 8 (391) 286-85-10. Website: www.village-enisey.ru

"Minino Resort". Pluses: very comfortable gazebos right in the cleanest pine forest. ☎ 8 (391) 234-72-10.

“Siberian Safari Club” in the Pashenny district. The highlight of the club: a stunning view of the wide-open Yenisei and the left bank of the city. ☎ 8 (391) 261-33-35. Website: www.hotelsafari.ru

"Horse Yard" in Emelyanovo. Pluses: European country style and stable where you can ride horses. There are even warm guest houses. ☎ 8 (391) 2-933-866. Website: www.124horse.ru

The Koza-Dereza farm is located on the 21st km of the Yenisei tract. Pluses: a contact zoo, your own farm products and workshops. ☎ 8 960 769 97 93. Website: sibkoza.ru

"Bazaikha River". Pluses: summer houses are located on the banks of the picturesque Bazaihi, here you can rent a bathhouse and a cozy house if someone wants to stay longer. ☎ 8 (391) 215-28-15. Website: www.bazaiha-river.ru

Photo: Olga Tsaplina

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