Guides around beauties of Krasnoyarsk and places of Yenisey Siberia

An intelligent guide is the key to a good quality and pleasant excursion. The tourist information centre of the Krasnoyarsk region has formed the selection of the best guides who will introduce not only the main sights of the city and region to you, but will also reveal unusual facts, lead you along unknown paths and discover absolutely another Krasnoyarsk and its suburbs to you. 


► Olga Dremova


Olga has hold excursions both for the residents and guests of Krasnoyarsk of different ages since 2006. For 17 years of work Olga has shown the beauties of the region to a big amount of Russian tourists and foreign guests. She has an experience of working at such important events as Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum and Winter Universiade 2019. The guide thinks, that her excursions should be attended by all those people who are interested in history and culture of Krasnoyarsk region and Siberia in general, as they will get an opportunity to broaden their knowledge. Besides, Olga is always ready to answer absolutely different and even tricky questions of her excursions participants!


The guide holds excursions around Krasnoyarsk and its suburbs and the very first of the Siberian cities – Yeniseysk.


You can register for an excursion or consult on the questions you are interested in over the phone +7 905 976-01-63.



Aleksey Isichenko


A traveler and a guide from Krasnoyarsk who perfectly knows the native land. Aleksey’s passion is mountains, so he is ready to organize either a city excursion or a trip to Krasnoyarsk Stolby, Torgashinskiy Range, multi-days trips to Ergaki, Khakassia, to Kuturchinskoye Belogoriye and many other places of the region.   The guide will be glad to show you the most interesting what is situated in Yenisey Siberia! By the way, a noticeable fact: Aleksey has made a cycling trip from Krasnoyarsk to Mongolia alone!  


You can register for an excursion to this guide over the phone +7 950 997-08-36 or using the link



Irina Shevyreva

This guide has hold the observing excursions around Krasnoyarsk and Divnogorsk and such beauties of Yenisey Siberia as national park Krasnoyarsk Stolby, Torgashinskiy Range and Manskaya Petlya, thematic walks around the places related to the writer Victor Astafiyev, as well as water trips along the Yenisey, the Krasnoyarsk sea and the Biryussa bay for 6 years already.  Irina’s tours are suitable for absolutely different audience – children and teenagers, adults and aged people, disabled and inclusive groups. Everyone will find an interesting event!   


You can register for an excursion or get any details about the trips over the phone +7 908 218-92-26.



Yekaterina Shuklina


Yekaterina is a native Siberian, who really loves her native city Krasnoyarsk. She has higher specialized education and big experience of work with individual and group excursions. She took part in such large projects as the 400th anniversary of Yeniseysk, Winter Universiade 2019, Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, Tourism Day and many other events. During her trips the guide pays special attention to deep knowledge of the material and guests’ comfort.


Yekaterina holds observing excursions around Krasnoyarsk and its suburbs, river promenades along the Yenisey, and mini trips around the towns of the Krasnoyarsk region and the Republic of Khakassia.


You can register for an excursion or get any details about the trips over the phone +7 904 895-66-22 (in any messenger too).



Elena Scheblyakova


This guide’s excursions are unique as during them people get acquainted with the Krasnoyarsk region through the orthodox sanctuaries. Elena tells the guests about the church traditions, peculiarities of this institution in Siberia in an accessible form. For recent 9 years of the guide’s work about 10 000 people from Krasnodar and Vladimir, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, France, Germany and the USA have visited saint places with Elena.


Elena also holds excursions around the orthodox places of the Krasnoyarsk region as well as observing walks in the capital of the region.  


You can register for excursions with Elena over the phone +7 967 612-30-93 or in the community Pilgrimage centre Saint Nicholas in Vkontakte.



Natalia Durbanova


Before to start her career as an excursion guide Natalia traveled around the world for 14 years and visited 44 countries. This experience has led to the fact that the guide came back to her home city in order to invite people from all over the world to Siberia and share her love to the boundless Krasnoyarsk region.

Now Natalia holds observing excursions Amazing Krasnoyarsk and a trip called Divnogorsk and HPES.


You can register for these events over the phone +7 963 260-22-73 in Telegram or Viber, and at the web-site



► Anatoliy Bryukhanov


The guide-interpter with 20-years experience holds observing excursions in Russian and English languages. The participants of walks with Anatoliy learn much useful information about the foundation of Krasnoyarsk and its development, places depicted on the 10-rubles banknote, the proud of the region – national park Krasnoyarsk Stolby, where guests not only admire the landscapes, but get acquainted with the stolbism movement as well.  The guide himself identifies himself as an ambassador of Krasnoyarsk, Siberia and Russia in general for his foreign guests. Anatoliy also likes to get into the details, causes and consequences of what surrounds us. That is why participants of his excursions can get answers to the trickiest questions.



You can register for a walk around the beauties of Krasnoyarsk together with this guide  in the community SibTourGuide – Krasnoyarsk Guide’s Notes in Vkontakte.

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