
Bogotol is located in the western part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is the center of the Bogotol region and forms the Bogotol city district. The Trans-Siberian Railway also runs through this city. Bogotol was founded in 1893, but was originally a railway station with large railway workshops. The village became a city in 1911, and already in 1925 it became a district center within the Achinsk district.

The industry of Bogotol is mainly concentrated around the railway. They are engaged in repair and maintenance of locomotives, there is a whole factory for the repair of wagons. The largest enterprise in the city is the Bogotolsky Tool, a plant engaged in fitter tools. Today, the city of Bogotol is a large railway junction, all railway services are located here: a locomotive depot, a car depot, a distance of a route, a communication distance and a power supply section.

What to see:

► Steam engine monument L-3528.     

► St. Nicholas Church

► Bogotolsky city park of culture and rest

► Bogotolsky Museum of History and Ethnography

Photo by Evgeny Zolotukhin

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