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- 10 recipes of Yenisei cuisine
10 recipes of Yenisei cuisine
Kytmanov Yenisei local history museum shared some delicious recipes of traditional Yenisei cuisine on their website, and we just can't help showing them to you!
1) Ramson crisps
Ramson – 3kg, olive oil – 50ml
Drizzle ramson sprouts with olive oil. Place the sprouts on a plate packed with plastic food wrap in one layer and cover them with food wrap again. Cook the crisps in the microwave on High for 4.5 minutes. You will get 1kg of cooked crisps.
2) Levashi (levashniki)
strawberry, raspberry, currant, cowberry or rowanberry
Wash and sort the berries, stew them in oven on 60-70C for few hours. Push the berries through a sieve and pour the puree on ppared baking sheets in a layer of 0.5-0.7cm. Bake the puree in the oven heated to 60C until it evaporates to the layer of 0.3-0.4cm. Put some sugar and make rolls. Levashi are perfect as stuffing in pastries.
3) Mushroom soup
mushrooms, oil, parsley root, carrot, eggs
Clean mushrooms and fry in oil. Put the cooked mushrooms in broth, add some parsley root, carrots, chopped parsley and hard cooked yolk. Add one or two eggs.
The Lenten mushroom soup is cooked with lemon, onion and parsley. You can also add some buckwheat.
4) Yenisei pie (psnukha)
rye flour – 235g, cottage cheese (9%) – 100g, cream (33%) – 30ml, butter – 30g, fresh berries (blueberry, cowberry, etc) – 50g
Mix some salt, rye flour and water and knead the dough. Leave for 15 minutes, then roll the dough to a sheet 2mm thick and cut out circles about 10cm in diameter. Place them on greased baking sheet. Bake in oven on 200C for 10 minutes. Brush the pastries with oil or butter. Combine cottage cheese, cream, vanilla and sugar. Put the pastries, cream and berries in layers.
5) Sugudai
Fish (fresh or frozen), salt, green onion
Sugudai is a dish for which fish is sliced in pieces, so thin that they just melt in your mouth. Not every kind of fish can be used for this dish – only red-fleshed ones. Siberian red-fleshed fishes are coregonus: tugun, nelm, sterlet, taimen, thymallus, lenok…
To cook the authentic sugudai clean fresh-caught fish, remove the bones and slice in thin pieces. Put the slices in a big jar, add salt and green onions, shake the jar and place on snow or ice, the fish shouldn't be frozen but extremely cold. Eat immediately.
6) Salamat
milk, sour cream, butter (6:2:1), rye flour
This porridge has been loved not only on the Yenisei banks but all over Siberia. Salamat is so popular so it's got special utensils – cast-iron bowl of special shape (a little over 1 liter)
Combine milk, sour cream and butter in proportion 6:2:1 and boil. Constantly stirring pour rye flour in a trickle, add some salt and cook over low heat until melted butter appears. Serve salamat hot.
7) Nettle shchi (soup)
beef – 1kg, ham – 400g, roots, nettle – 600g, butter, flour – 1 tablespoon, parsley, dill, sour cream, boiled eggs
Cook broth with beef, ham and roots, filter it. When the broth is ready, add clean nettle, cook without lid until it becomes soft and put into a colander. Wash in cold water, squeeze, chop and Push through a sieve. Fry butter, flour and nettle in a saucepan, add some broth and boil constantly stirring. Put some chopped parsley and dill in a bowl, add some sour cream. Serve with boiled eggs or patties.
8) Pike's fillet with ramson
For one: pike's fillet – 150g, celery risotto – 150g, cucumber – 30g, pea sprouts – 10g, tomato – 10g, peeled sunflower seeds – 5g, butter – 30g, ramson – 50g, pike broth – 80ml, sugar – 2g, salt – 1g, beet sauce – 20g, sorrel fresh – 5ml
Clean the pile, we need only fillet part, salt and pepper it. Fry the skin side in butter with ramson, turn it, add pike broth, sugar and salt, cook until it's ready.
Heat the side dish, put the sauce in a siphon and heat it as well. Place risotto, fish, beet sauce on a plate, decorate with a cucumber, tomato and sunflower seeds, pea sprouts and sorrel fresh.
9) Monastic apple
1 apple, honey – 60g, peeled pine nuts – 30g, cranberry – 50g, brandy – 15 ml
Core the apple. Mix honey and pine nuts, stuff the apple. Cook in oven on 150-160C until it's ready.
10) Green borsch with sturgeon
sturgeon – 300g, 3 potatoes, 1/2 onion, sorrel – 200g, caper – 2 table spoons, 12 olives, garlic – 1 clove, 1 egg, dill, parsley, sour cream, olive oil – 20ml, salt
Cut sturgeon's fillet, onion and garlic, fry in olive oil, add some salt. Put sliced potatoes in boiling water, cook and add the sturgeon. Chop olives, pss caper to get rid of water and add them to the soup. Add chopped sorrel, parsley and dill.
Boil and cook until potatoes are ready. Add a fresh egg and quickly stir. Serve green borsch with sour cream.